About VISPARES Components

VISPARES Components is a precision component and product manufacturer that stops at nothing to help today’s engineers realize their design objectives.

Our business is fundamentally about three things: creating the highest quality specialized components and high-precision products, simplifying the complexity of managing them, and giving our customers the absolute best service.We understand that quality cannot be compromised in our industry and therefore refuse to cut corners or offer cheap solutions. We are dedicated to ensuring the highest quality in every aspect of our work. While this commitment may not make us the biggest or fastest-growing company in the market, we are proud to stand by our values and provide our customers with products that are truly worth their investment.

Quality Without Compromise

Whether you need a single prototype or a multi-million part production run, Vispares Components has the knowledge, capacity, and commitment to deliver the specialized components to meet your specific needs.

The Scale to Deliver

We operate over 30 facilities across three continents. Our divisions produce a wide range of components and products in multiple materials for many of the world’s most demanding industries. It means we can ensure continuity of supply no matter how many parts you need.

Simplifying Part Management Complexity

You’re probably faced with managing hundreds if not thousands of different components across your product portfolio. We can simplify the entire process, offering multi-part production capabilities and streamlined ordering and management.

Committed to Your Success

From the precision components we manufacture and the speed we produce them to an expert team who can help solve your most pressing engineering challenges, we’re here to help.

Địa chỉ:

B01-32 Phùng Khoang, Trung Văn, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội

Điện thoại: 0335.41.2929


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